Culturebrand launched Luxury and Inspiration Destination Marketing

New Concept for international Destination Marketing:

“A Night of Luxury and Inspiration” is a new Concept to inspire the World of Tourism and Live Communication. “It’s all about Inspiration in International Tourism”, explained Culturebrand Managing Partner Hubert Georg Feil the Development of new Formats in Marketing, and Communication for Tourism Destinations. Real Time Marketing is dominating the international Travel Business more and more through Multi Channel Solutions in the Digital World and Social Media. The Competition between Cities, Regions, Destinations and Countries has risen dramatically. Traditional Concepts like Roadshows in many Cities, cost-effectively Presentations at international Fairs and extensive Measures related to international BIDs for large Conferences and Product Launches and even the Integration in high quality Distribution Channels is no longer sufficient enough and guarantees not satisfactory occupancy Levels. In the Light of pronounced Brand and Image Awareness and top Quality Orientation in Tourism, any attempt to reach and entice Corporate Buyers and Luxury Travellers with bargains is not advisable. It is more the Development of emotional, authentic and positive Image Factors, of the Cultural, Green and Sportive Aspects of a Destination, of Uniqueness, of perfect and emotional Scenarios to set itself from Competitors in Tourism. 

Culturebrand has examined many international Destination Marketing Structures for Years and launched now the new event series for Cities, Destinations, Islands, Countries in the Tourism Market.
